
You Should Consider These Tips Before Choosing Your Bridesmaids

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Choosing your bridesmaids is a significant step in your wedding planning process. These important people will not only walk beside you on your big day but will also support you through all the highs and lows of your wedding planning journey. They will be involved in everything, from dress shopping to planning your bachelorette party. Therefore, it’s crucial that you carefully consider who you want to include in this special group.

Tips Before Choosing Your Bridesmaids

This article will guide you through five important considerations you should make before making your final bridesmaid selections. So, grab a pen and notepad, and let’s begin.

1. The size of your wedding:

choosing your bridesmaids

The size of your wedding party should reflect the size of your wedding. If it’s going to be a small, intimate affair, then it may look strange to have a dozen bridesmaids. On the contrary, if you’re having a large and lavish event, a larger bridal party may be more fitting.

2. Your relationship with them:

choosing your bridesmaids

Choose bridesmaids that you are close with and who you can trust. This could mean childhood friends, sisters, or close colleagues. The important thing is that these are people who have supported you, and who you believe will continue to support you, throughout your marriage.

3. Their reliability:

Choosing your bridesmaids

Planning a wedding can be a stressful process, and you want to surround yourself with reliable people who will be there to support you when you need them. Remember, bridesmaids will have responsibilities like attending fittings, planning a hen party, and being there for the bride on the wedding day.

4. Their financial situation:

choosing your bridesmaids

Being a bridesmaid can be an expensive role. There’s the dress, the hen party, gifts, and potentially travel and accommodation costs. The last thing you want is to put a friend under financial stress, so have a candid conversation with your potential bridesmaids about the financial obligations and check if they are comfortable with it.

5. The dynamics of your bridal party:

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The people you select as your bridesmaids will be spending a lot of time together, from the bridal shower to the wedding day itself. It’s important to consider the dynamics of the group. If there are any unresolved issues between possible bridesmaids, it might be better to leave them off the list to avoid any potential drama on your big day.

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