
Underrated Beauty Ingredients That Work Undercover To Clear Hyperpigmentation

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We all have things in common. From the colour of our skin, to where we live and what language we speak. And when it comes to skincare, we think the most common problem of all is hyperpigmentation. Dark spots, scarring, bruising, the list of pigmentation issues are endless and seem to have no cure. Well, unless you read this post.

To understand how to fade hyperpigmentation you must know a few basic truths. Firstly, hyperpigmentation can happen to anyone and is usually caused by scarring under the skin. It can come as a result of inflamed acne, irritation, bruising or simply popping your pimples forcefully. Secondly, if you want to get rid of hyperpigmentation, you need to treat it from within. Hyperpigmentation isn’t like dead skin that you can see and exfoliate, it occurs under the skin. So, you need to get in there to treat it properly with products that can seep into the skin.

Now there are tons (literally tons) of skincare products that promise to take this skin problem away. But the reality is that not all of them have the right ingredients to do so. It is common knowledge that vitamin c and hydroquinone are some of the most popular ingredients for treating hyperpigmentation. However, there are other unpopular ingredients that may be even more powerful. These ingredients are lesser known but very qualified to get the job done probably faster.

Here are some you should jot down:


Arbutin has been called the ‘gentler hydroquinone’. The skincare ingredient is a bleaching agent that blocks the enzymes responsible for the production of melanin. Arbutin basically limits how much melanin is produced so your spots etc don’t get darker. While this is going on, it bleaches the darkened areas leaving a more even appearance.

How To Fade Hyperpigmentation: Always Look Out For These Ingredients

(Photo: CultBeauty)

Tranexamic acid

Tranexamic acid is a form of lysine (an amino acid) which was used in medicine to clot blood. Later on, researchers decided to dig deeper into its side effects. Researchers discovered that the acid improved the appearance of melasma (hormonal darkening of the skin). And this led to its exploration in the field of skincare. They discovered that when applied topically on affected areas, tranexamic acid is very effective. It fades hyperpigmentation and even melasma (which is perhaps the worst kind of hyperpigmentation).

How To Fade Hyperpigmentation: Always Look Out For These Ingredients

(Photo: Naturima)

Kojic acid

This natural by-product is one that doesn’t get enough love but should. It is naturally gotten during the fermentation process of sake (the popular rice water drink) and can be used on skin. When introduced to the skin, it locks down melanin production leaving room for a more even skin. It is also a powerful antioxidant with anti-ageing and collagen-protective effects. This acid definitely brings more to the table.

How To Fade Hyperpigmentation: Always Look Out For These Ingredients

(Photo: Skin Light Skin Bright)

There you have it. We hope we’ve been helpful in showing you how to fade hyperpigmentation with these wonderful ingredients. So when you’re shopping, be on the lookout for these skin savers.

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