
15 Common Causes of Back Pain

Two Common Causes of Back Pain

Common Causes of Back Pain – Complex structures make up the human back, including muscles, spines, ligaments, and tendons. It is also one of the most important weight-bearing parts of our bodies. Back pain is very common. Back pain is something that almost everyone will experience in their lifetime.

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There are many reasons back pain can occur, from minor to major. For different reasons, back pain can affect any age group. The chances of suffering from back pain increase as people age. The severity of back pain can vary from mild, intermittent to severe, and disabling.

Your back health is affected by how you move, whether you sit, stand or walk. The spine is made up of 24 vertebrae, which are small bones. These small bones are connected by a cushion-like gel called a vertebral disk. If one of these bones gets hurt, it can cause dull and aching pain. Back pain can also be caused by other serious conditions. There are many reasons for back pain. Recurrent back pain can be dangerous so be careful.

Common causes of back discomfort

Lifestyle of seclusion

This is one reason for back pain. You may experience back pain, stiffness, or uneasiness if you sit too long for work or just because you’re lazy. Your back muscles can become stiffened from inactivity if you are seated for too long. Relax your muscles when you have the chance.

Bad posture

Screen time can lead to bad posture. Poor posture can also cause back pain and increase existing pain. Your posture can be affected by your walking and standing style, as well as screen time. Bad posture can cause back pain by putting too much strain on the ligaments and muscles.


If you feel pressured and don’t have time to relax, your spine and neck can become strained. To ensure your safety, always allow yourself to take time out to rest.

Back injuries

Back pain is most commonly caused by injuries in women. Overuse of muscles and sprains are common causes of lower or middle back pain. These injuries to the muscles are quite common during pregnancy.

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

This condition is known as premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and affects many women before they experience menstruation. This can include lower back pain, abdominal discomfort, headaches, mood swings, and more.

Painful menstruation

Dysmenorrhea is a condition that causes painful periods. It can sometimes be severe for some women. It can also cause severe hip pains, leg pains, and abdominal pain. It can cause dull to severe pains that last 3-4 days.

Lifting heavy objects

Your back can be affected if you lift heavy objects frequently. Sometimes it was more than lifting heavy objects. It can also happen when you put pressure on your back. For example, sleeping in awkward positions can cause a sour effect on your back. This can lead to severe pain later on.

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Sciatica can be caused by compression of your sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve, located in the back of your leg, runs from your lower spine to your legs. Sciatica can cause burning or shock-like symptoms.

Muscle sprain

This is often caused by people who lift too much weight or make sudden movements. It can cause muscle stiffness and pain. You can get relief by resting and taking painkillers if necessary.

Rare causes of back pain

Bulging disc

A bulging disc, also known as a “slipped disc”, is when the gel-like cushion bulges and compresses nearby nerves. This risk increases as the discs dehydrate and become stiffer with age. Bulging discs can cause shooting pains in your back that radiate to your legs. This problem can be caused by trauma or sudden movements.


Endometriosis refers to a gynecological condition that causes the uterus tissue to grow outside of the womb. This condition causes chronic back pain that flares up during menses. Other symptoms include pain in the genital area, lower abdominal pain, and painful menstruation.


Some spinal cancers, uterine cancers, and cancers of the cervix can cause long-lasting back pain. These pains can also be called the pain of metastatic lung or breast cancer.

Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic area

Many women suffer from chronic back pain and discomfort. This can be caused by pelvic inflammatory disorder (PID). This can cause lower back pain, unusual vaginal discharge, fever, and abdominal pain. PID is a common bacterial infection and can prove to be deadly if left untreated.

Disc degeneration

Old age, injury, repetitive motions, and other factors can cause a disc. The pain may radiate to the legs and buttocks from the back. Rest is often a good option.

Kidney infection

This condition is also called pyelonephritis. It can cause lower abdominal pain, back and groin pain. You may also experience frequent urination and chills.

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