
Why Your Stomach Gets Bigger

Why Your Stomach Gets Bigger (2)

You must still be living in ancient times if you think having a potbelly is a sign of wealth or luxury. Nowadays, a big belly is not just seen as unattractive among men and women, it also has lots of health challenges especially if yours surrounds your organs (visceral fat). It is easy to accumulate belly fat, but getting rid of it can be very frustrating.

It’s no secret that a healthy lifestyle is one of the best ways to keep your body in check. Unfortunately, most people fail to stick to a healthy diet, especially when it comes to portion control. When you eat too much, you’re more likely to put on weight, and the worst part is that you don’t even realize you’re doing it.

Your belly is a very important part of your body. It is part of your body that contains all your organs and helps to keep them in place.

Your belly is also part of your body that contains your blood vessels and lymph nodes. It is also part of your body that is most likely to be the target of toxins.

So if you’re among those people who are wondering why their belly is growing bigger and bigger, I’ll like to enlighten you about the possible causes in this article. According to Medicalnewstoday, the following are some of the causes of a big belly.

Why Your Stomach Gets Bigger

Why Your Stomach Gets Bigger

1. Poor diet

This comes first on my list. How can you want a small stomach when you eat junk foods every day without caution. It’s just impossible

Getting a well-trimmed stomach is not magical. You can’t be taking sugary drinks, canned fruit juice, soft drinks, carbohydrates like yam, rice, potatoes, and processed foods excessively and expect to be fit

2. Alcohol

This is another major cause of a big belly. Not only will drinking excessively cause health problems like liver diseases and inflammation, but it will also make your stomach grow bigger and bigger. Alcohol also increases the levels of insulin in your body, which is responsible for the storage of fat in your body.

3. Lack of exercise

Some people remain sedentary or stay in a place without moving their body or exercising after consuming lots of calories in foods and drinks. This will make you accumulate fat, especially around your belly

4. Stress/ poor sleep

Overstressing yourself or not getting quality sleep can distort your body’s metabolism hence making you eat more than you should.  In brief, when you are sleep-deprived, your body tends to crave foods that give you quick energy. Therefore, it is important to make sure that you are well-rested and not too tired when you hit the kitchen.

5. Genetics

Some persons have the genetic makeup of being fat or obese even if they eat healthily and avoid junk foods. Please speak to your doctor about the steps you can take to manage your weight

6. Smoking

Smoking leads to the accumulation of fat in the abdomen and other parts of the body. Smoking is also a major cause of heart diseases and cancers. If you want to lose weight and get rid of your belly, stop smoking.

Conclusion: Why Your Stomach Gets Bigger

Your stomach is designed to hold a large amount of food. It stores it for later use. If you are a normal-sized person and don’t consume a large meal each day, then you probably store more than your stomach needs, which results in belly bloat.

You’ll probably know if you are experiencing bloating because it is often accompanied by cramps and discomfort. In the majority of cases, though, bloating is a side effect of overeating. The good news is that you can reverse the bloat.

See Also: Burn Belly Fat With These 8 Natural Foods You Don’t know About

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