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How To Sit Guests At Your Wedding Reception

If you are thinking of keeping it strictly family, you may not worry about sitting arrangements at your wedding reception. However, if you intend to go all out with your guest list, then you have to get some card boards and markers to draw up a sitting arrangement. Here are stress-free tips on how to seat your guests.
  1. Start early with your wedding reception sitting arrangement.

You don’t want to be seated with your man all exhausted the night before your wedding, drawing up sitting arrangements for your guests. Don’t be that couple. Start early so you can get a better well balanced chart.

(Naked Convos)

  1. Break down your sitting chart.

Create a sheet, broken down into columns of guests for your sitting arrangement. Friends on one table, family on another and the old folks together. This grouping will help foster easier conversation because of age bracket similarity.

(Jide Odukoya)

  1. Tag each table with descriptions.

If you are more of a visual person, use paper tags to reserve and describe which column and what table belongs to who. To be more specific you should tag sheets with your guest names on the sits.

  1. Remember to place the “Head table” strategically.

Traditionally, head tables are long and straight as against round. It’s the table for you, your spouse and your parents. So as the couple of the day, you should clearly be seen by your guests. Try to place your head table where your guests can catch a clear glimpse of you two.

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